Types of Customer Testimonials
Types of Customer Testimonials & How to Use Them to Boost Your Business
A customer testimonial is a review by a customer explaining his/her experiences using a product or availing of a company’s services. Testimonials are a powerful tool for marketers that can help them achieve conversions more effectively. A lead or potential customer is more likely to believe the words of an existing customer than an advertisement. When an existing customer provides a testimonial, it provides valuable information to a lead on how the product could be beneficial.
This is the reason why you can use customer testimonials as a part of your marketing effort. There are different types of customer testimonials that can be used. Each of them has its own unique features and a company can decide which to use based on its needs. We look at five different types of customer testimonials with information on how you could use them effectively to boost your business.
1) Quote Testimonials
A quote testimonial uses a quote by a customer about a product. This quote would mention the name (with the photograph) of a customer and quote what the customer feels about your product. The customer’s experience using the product can be mentioned highlighting the benefits obtained. A quote testimonial is a brief review presented usually in two or three sentences.
“I started using <Product> two years back and found it to be perfectly meet my needs. After facing problems with many brands, my experience using <Brand> has been excellent. The benefits of the product definitely make it value for money” - <Name>
The above is an example of a quote testimonial. Quotes can be taken from customers and placed on the home page of the website, on brochures, advertisements, and other promotional materials.
2) Long-Form Testimonials
A long-form testimonial is one that is in text form. It is not a brief review but a lengthy one. These are usually around 800 to 1000 words long and presented in the form of an article. Such testimonials are usually available on review websites, particularly for technical products. Here, a customer would wish to know details about how the product worked for a customer. Instead of a brief overview, the customer would share a comprehensive review of the product.
Such a testimonial is of added value if it is published in a newspapers/magazine or well-known website. It can then be shared by the company and would definitely add value. You can request your customer to write a detailed testimonial of your product and try to get it published or share it in your blog.
3) Video Testimonials
This is one of the most popular forms of testimonials. Many potential customers may not read text testimonials as people may not have the patience to read through long text. Also, testimonials on websites do not carry the real name of the person writing the testimonial. This tends to make such a review less credible. A video testimonial is an effective way of presenting a testimonial using visual media with video, text, graphics, and other elements.
An ideal video testimonial is one that is 2 to 4 minutes long. It introduces the customer and shares his/her details lending authenticity to the testimonial. The testimonial works effectively when it is presented in a narrative form. This is where a customer talks about his/her experiences searching for a product and the pain points encountered. The customer would then talk about how he/she found the product and started using it. The narrative would then focus on the customer’s experiences using the product highlighting the benefits of the product.
A good testimonial made in such a way can be extremely effective. A company can request a customer to share his/her experiences in a video and such a video would create a more positive impact than an advertisement featuring a celebrity. Video testimonials should be available on the website homepage. One or two testimonials with a quote from the video can be placed on the homepage.
At least ten such testimonials can be prepared and a separate page created for these testimonials. A link to this page can be given from the home page. Video testimonials can be integrated with advertisements to lend additional credibility. A link to the video testimonial page can be given while running a marketing campaign through text, e-mail, or social media.
4) Social Testimonials
This is a very popular type of video testimonial and can be in the form of a short text review or can even in the form of a video. These testimonials are uploaded on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Most customers share their experiences using a product on their own social media pages. These can be shared by their friends making them go viral. This is the best marketing promotion that can be done, which happens without any intervention by companies.
A company can share the testimonials by customers on its social media pages. Most companies have their own Facebook and Instagram accounts. Sharing these testimonials would ensure they are read/seen by leads and potential customers. This makes for a powerful promotional technique. Such posts can be used on the website on a separate page.
5) Influencer Testimonials
Influencers are people with thousands or millions of followers. They are celebrities on social media. When an influencer shares a testimonial, thousands of their followers would see it. A positive testimonial from an influencer can be extremely helpful to promote a product. You can send free products to influencers and request them to share their experience using the product.
Influencer testimonials can be shared on social media allowing potential customers to see them. They are similar to celebrity promotion of a product with the difference being a celebrity is paid, whereas an influencer may not be paid.
The different types of testimonials described here can help you project the positive experiences of your customers in an effective way. This is a great way to convince leads to buy your products. This is a very useful technique to acquire new customers and boost your business.
Author’s Bio
Aleksi Halsas, CMO at Trustmary offers a customer and employee testimonials that create appealing content to engage the readers all around the world. To boost the marketing and sales with high-quality video testimonials is the author’s keen desire.
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